Institutional Affiliates

Please note that most IWL affiliates are individual departments or programs within a university, though sometimes the affiliation with IWL is jointly set up by two or more departments or by an overall school or university or consortium. To see who has set up the affiliation at a given university, please check out our the list below, or the Affiliates Map above by hovering over the hotspot you're interested in.

If your specific school, department or program isn’t listed below (even though your university is) you are not an affiliate applicant. If only a university is listed, without mention of specific schools or departments, then anyone at that university is an affiliate applicant. People in non-affiliated departments are welcome to apply to the Institute, but they won’t be given the discounted affiliate rate unless they are included in the list of recommended participants sent to IWL by the institutional affiliate.

Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy (Taiwan)

Academy in Exile, Freie Universität Berlin (Germany)

Australian National University (Australia), School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

Beijing Normal University (PRC), School of Foreign Languages and Literatures

Binghamton University (USA), Department of Comparative Literature

City University of Hong Kong (PRC), College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

CHASE (The Courtauld Institute of Art - Goldsmiths, University of London - Open University - University of East Anglia University of Essex - University of Kent - University of Sussex) (United Kingdom)

CUNY Graduate Center (USA), Comparative Literature

East China Normal University, The School of International Chinese Studies (PRC)

Graduate Theological Foundation (USA)

Hangzhou Normal University (PRC), School of International Studies

Harvard University (USA), Department of Comparative Literature

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), Department of General and Comparative Literature

Istanbul Bilgi University (Turkey), Department of Comparative Literature

Johannes Gutenberg University (Germany), Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies 

Justus-Liebig University (Germany), International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)

KU Leuven Faculty of Arts (Belgium), Faculty of Arts and Sciences (Literary Studies Research Unit, Translation Studies Research Unit, CERES, CETRA)

Louisiana State University (USA), Program in Comparative Literature and French & Francophone Studies, English, and Foreign Languages

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Romania)

Monash University (Australia), School of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics

Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (Netherlands)

Northwestern University (USA), Program in Comparative Literary Studies

Observator Cultural Foundation (Romania)

Princeton University (USA), Department of Comparative Literature

Rutgers University (USA), School of Arts and Sciences

Sichuan University (PRC), Research Base of Comparative Literature

Simon Fraser University (Canada), World Literature Program

Stanford University (USA), Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages

The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong (PRC)

Tianjin Normal University (PRC), College of Chinese Language and Literature

Tsinghua University (PRC), Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures




Tsuru University (Japan), Department of English

UCLA (USA), Department of Comparative Literature & Department of English

UC Santa Barbara (USA), Comparative Literature Program

University of Barcelona (Spain)

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Orthodox Theology (Serbia)

University of Bern (Switzerland), Department of English

University of Bucharest (Romania)

University of California, Merced (USA), School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts

University of Copenhagen (Denmark)

University of Cyprus (Cyprus)

University of Granada (Spain), Department of Comparative Literature

University of Houston (USA), Department of Comparative Cultural Studies

University of Hyderabad (India), Centre for Comparative Literature

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), Program in Comparative & World Literature, the Department of English, School of Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics

University of Lisbon (Portugal), Centro de Estudios Comparatistas

University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Department of Humanities of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education

University of Paris Nanterre (France), CREA (Centre de Recherches en Etudes Anglophones)

University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Group of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature

University of Sydney (Australia), University of Sydney
Department of English, School of Literature, Art, and Media

University of Texas at Austin (USA), Department of English

University of Tokyo (Japan),  Department of Contemporary Literary Studies

University of Toronto (Canada), Center for Comparative Literature

University of Virginia (USA), Department of English

University of WIsconsin-Madison (USA), Department of English, Program in German, & the Institute for Regional and International Studies

Vanderbilt University (USA), Department of English

Wenzhou-Kean University (PRC), School of English Studies, College of Liberal Arts

York University (Canada), Graduate Program in English