
July 8-18

Ankhi Mukherjee (University of Oxford), "What Is a Classic? The Aesthetics of Postcolonial and World Literature"

Jahan Ramazani (University of Virginia), "Poetry and/as World Literature"

Galin Tihanov (Queen Mary, University of London), "Exilic Writing and the Making of World Literature"

Delia Ungureanu (University of Bucharest), "The Undiscovered Country: Visionaries of Another World"

Karen Van Dyck (Columbia University), "Diaspora, Multilingualism, Translation"


July 22 - August 1

David Damrosch (Harvard University), "Globalization and Its Discontents"

B. Venkat Mani (University of Wisconsin-Madison), "Tales of Unsettlement: Exile, Forced Migration, and Refuge in World Literature"

Francesca Orsini (SOAS), "The Magazine and World Literature"

Panagiotis Roilos (Harvard University), "Hyperreality"

Gisèle Sapiro (CNRS & EHESS), "How do literary works cross borders (or not)?"